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blueprin.xm (blueprin.xm)

Info Summary

  • blueprin.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.42MB in size and has been downloaded 1033 times since Fri 20th Apr 2018 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 182292
  • Downloads: 1033
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 6e3638963487ed9cf90972ea79d465fe
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.42MB
  • Genre: Trance - Goa

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

<blueprint of cosmos>

[flow -edit ]

composed by:

missing organ /hL /te

time: 4:25
date: 10.2.98
spd /bpm: 3 /126
style: goa/slow trance
all rights reserved
[hapax legomenon ]
copyright (c) 1998.
samples from:

 - Roland tr9o9
 - Roland tr8o8
 - RubberDuck
 - Goldwave
 - Assign
 - Cosmo
 - LizardKing
 - Sum are sampled
    and made by m_o.
 - Sum are refined by
    m_o with Goldwave.

all samples (c).

Feel free to take
contact, at:
or at hL-mail:
or at te's homepage:
* = tidle.
this tune was made
for the BMP-compo ii,
in 1998, spread &


greetings in random:
cosmo, knert, han,
ice can, roy, KtV,
freddy, with care,
jape, andre, slice,
gentech, howser,
irq9o9, filter300,
eirin, kristin, vit c,
phobia, quoz, puppy,
the bmp-crew, cath,
the dane, david,
xentar, mike,
deejay red, crazyboy,
joegi, and all my
other friends that
i have forgot...
what are we, in
this world of needs...
what is the
meaning of the
term we call 'life',
where is the turning,
that makes us...
as what we alredy are
how do we swap,
make, change, s,
or create life,
when all we think
of, is to destroy what
we already have,
us so dear...
our only chance
to get a glimse,
a peak, just a little
taste, of what
expects us, out there
in the ocean,
to dive down
to the bottom of the
sea, to the
bottom of out hearts,
and clean
our souls...
wash them as u
we have to think,
not as we used to
but, as our future
generation will do,
our goal is to
create, make, and
obtain life, the
human soul and
will live forever,
if we just could find,
what we need, what,
we need knowledge,
scients, understanding
and what do we need?
yes, all that....
someone will
save us, and it is not
god, it is not the
superman, but...
but, butt,
our mind will search
and find,
the key to life,
the ultimate dna, goa
is alredy in shape,
all we have to do,
is to find the one
and only power,
to create...: the
blueprinf of cosmos...
all made by m_o,
copyright (c) 1998.
te & hL.

made by
hapax legomenon
made by
hapax legomenon

Effected in
Goldwave by m_o.
copyright (c) 1998.
te & hL.
Effected in
Goldwave by m_o.
copyright (c) 1998.
te & hL

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
